About Me

After obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering (CE), I soon pursued my Masters in Image Processing, which was a field initially considered as an Engineering discipline but later on found its relevance towards Computer Science.

At the time (circa 2013), the Data revolution was just beginning to take place and people were still introduced to the term ‘Big Data’ due to a need for a more efficient way of managing vast & complex data/information.

It is through Machine Learning that I have discovered my true calling; that is a career in Data Science. However, the transition to venture into this field takes a lot of effort and courage to get out of my comfort zone. Not to mention having to self-taught myself in Data Science due to its fairly recent arrival in a country like Malaysia.

Despite having a considerable amount of Image Processing & Programming backgrounds, there were still challenges that I’ve encountered throughout my Data Science journey, such as having to revisit Statistics studies and journal-reading.

Embarking on this career path was not a breeze but it definitely provided me with a lot of invaluable experience so far. I hope that this blog on Data Science would benefit both the readers and myself as it’s not only just me sharing my views but it’s also about exchanging ideas and experiences with fellow programmers around the world.

Let’s code to save the world!